Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Reality Does Not Exist

We are all putting on shows
of some sort or another
Fearful of how we are perceived by others
We fall into line
One behind the other
Nobody wants to stand out
Being different is equated to being weird
Unlike others where we will stand out
But we cringe at the thought
Of being unique or unlike our peers around us
I don't understand
We are all different yet we all want to be the same
Society puts us into groups
Cliques or clubs
Yet none of those labels are natural
They don't come close to revealing the truth about our true selves
Everyone is so afraid of being judged
Where standing out is frowned upon
It is sad and our facades totally consume us
Originality is an art that has been completely forgotten
We all dress, walk, talk and act like those around us
Because we are all afraid of laying ourselves bare for all to see
Each one of us is hiding several different stories
Because we fear others won't love or respect us for who we really are
We all walk through our lives like zombies
Trying to adapt our behaviors to be like those around us
Like living in a uniform code makes us happy
Yet do you know how many people are miserable
Because they are always running away from their true selves
No wonder there are so many different crimes, fights, scuffles or wars, both inside our own minds and out
Brokenness seems to be something that we all run from
Instead of towards and embracing it for what it is
We all need healing in all of its many different forms
Do we really know ourselves
With all of our warts, bruises and scars
And see the beauty of that art
Which lies within each one of us
Evidently we don't
We run scared from the brokenness within
Thinking that if we never admit it or slow down to cope
With all the struggles we face
We can keep it all at arms bay
Instead of the real truth
Which is that it eats us alive
Right where we are
Can we genuinely connect with others
When we are constantly keeping the truth from ourselves
Why do we all find that shameful
Filling us with constant grief and confusion
Instead of refreshing
Realizing we are never really alone
Rather than growing closer
We tend to push everyone away
Constantly living in fear
That we will be realized as a fraud


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