Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Keep Inside the Box

How often do we hear
That you are expected 
To do certain things
Or behave in a specified manner
Which only leads us to conform
To that which is 
Expected of us
Instead of truly grasping 
Who we really are
And doing things
That are unique to us
It could be careers
Where you go to school
Who you hang out with
What activities you engage in
Yet all the time
We are being inauthentic
To ourselves
By living someone else's life
Instead of our own
Just because we were raised
In a specific environment
Where specific things 
Were expected 
Of those who live within it
Doesn't mean that we have
To follow the prescribed formula
And be like everyone else
When it is our turn to choose
Where we go to school
What job we have
Who our friends are
Or what activities we partake
Yet we all feel trapped
We don't want to disappoint
We want approval
Of those that matter to us
But when it comes to it
Whose approval and satisfaction
Matters the most
That of those around us
Or that we call our own
Only we are stuck with the lives
That we choose to live
And by taking ownership 
Of the process 
We are enabled to venture out
And do those things which are true 
To who we are
Yet it feels like we are fighting
This never ending current
That pulls us away from what is true
To who we are
But in the end
All that matters
Is that we behave 
In accordance 
With the rules and guidelines
We set and establish
For the life we want to live

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