Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lost at Sea

How common is it
To feel clueless as to what comes next
Where you feel stuck
In something that makes you feel inadequate
With no way out
In the foreseeable future
You thrash and turn
Wear yourself out
But regardless of how are you try
Or the amount of effort
Both physical and emotional
You put into it
Nothing turns out
As you would expect
Let alone hope or guess
You feel embarrassed
Like a complete failure
As you try and discover
Who you really are
And where you fit
In this world
On a professional standpoint
Yet everyone has suggestions
Offers advice
But are any of them
Or best represent
Who you really are
Or do they lead you
To circumstances where you feel
Even more lost
Than when you first began
Others' intentions are well meant
But that is what they see
From the outside
Looking in
Instead of true authenticity
Which is from the inside
Looking out
That is where the answer
Any answer
Must come from
If it is meant
To truly represent
Who you are
And what you
Stand for
At its authentic core
As a professional
But therein
Lies the problem
That unfortunately
Only you can
Truly answer
And that is
Who am I
Where do I best fit
Unfortunately I feel
Many of us, myself included
Spend our whole lives
Trying to find that out
Sadly, I fear, some of us never will
But it is that inner struggle
I feel
That robs us of true contentment
In that area
Which we call a profession
Which way do you go
Do you keep adjusting
And re-calibrating
As you go along
In order
To finally and hopefully
End up where
Your true north is
Or do we
Keep spinning in circles
Rapidly moving
From one idea
To the next
That brings us that inner peace
That comes with doing the most
With what we have
From a professional standpoint

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